1 Million Subscribers - How To Become A YouTube Sensation! (THE GUIDE!!)

What if I can't find a Niche? I am interested in a lot of things and I kind of want to combine it all but I am scared people won't like it :/
Your tips are great. Some are really helpful, yet it is hard to establish a team that easily. And Google Adwords confuses the h*** out of me. I don't know where to look to find anything helpful.
Very good advice. The part about hiring staff was a new one to me though. As my channel grows will try that tecnique. Thank you.
I'd also like to add: If you're a fairly new channel. Don't throw ads on all your early videos. People will think you're just money hungry.
This is easily the longest post I have ever seen on this site, I'll have to read while relaxing, here have my like good sir!
I've always been a 'take the good' out of every situation you can. In this instance I love the advice about having 3 highly searched words in your title. That is a very good formula as I always look at highly rated vids and try to dissect what in the title brought me there.
Hey a lot of great advice I think I just may use all of em ! I am trying to gain up to 1k by the end of this year :)
Just a lil scared because highschool is coming up