Zoomin MCN August Payments?

Something all of you should know is that it's not "Request Unlink" anymore.
it's "Remove Access" as MCNs no longer can deny these requests.

What happens when I click to remove my MCN's access but my contract hasn't expired?
Before clicking to remove access, you should review your contract terms with your MCN. If you're still under contract with your MCN, removing access may not release you from any legal obligations, and doing so may put you in violation of your contract. Affiliate channels that are unsure what those obligations are may wish to discuss it with their MCN or their own legal adviser.

I've heard that if you break the contract then you might get demonetized for 3 months. I can't confirm or deny that nor I want to try it out for myself.
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I've heard that if you break the contract then you might get demonetized for 3 months. I can't confirm or deny that nor I want to try it out for myself.

It takes time to review your channel bebore joining new YPP. Few months ago when was big que, for one of my channels it took ~5-6 weeks. For another channel recently it took me just 1 hour... =)
It takes time to review your channel bebore joining new YPP. Few months ago when was big que, for one of my channels it took ~5-6 weeks. For another channel recently it took me just 1 hour... =)
So was your contract expiring or did you remove access prematurely?
I saw on twitter that for some Zoomin didn't release content ID for someone and that all of their videos got Content ID'd.
Very fortunate outcome for you then. I don't really want to find out what breaking one would bring to the table.
My only hope is that the payment announcement date is somewhere this month.