YTtalk Promo Video 2 - Want to take part in a promotional video and help the forums?

This one is going to be open for quite a while so anyone wanting to enter can do so, theres no set deadline currently too.
Hey everyone,

I am wanting to get the ball rolling for a second YTtalk promotional video allowing everyone to come together and collaborate in a video. If you would be interested in recording a short video of yourself saying a few lines promoting the site and would be interested in giving input into the project please say so in this thread.

This is in its very early stages but early organisation never hurts a project :) The video will be uploaded to some of our members channels and also the YTtalkTV channel and will be promoted outside of YouTube to help gain new members for the forum and hopefully some subscribers for yourselves and viewers.

You will be invited to a personal conversation with everyone who is taking part and our ideas for it can come together through there.

I would just like to add Th3StuffShow will be editing the videos once everything has been sorted out and he will be the one you need to send your video to.

For this video there are a few requirements:

1. Your video, audio and lighting must be decent quality and the audio must be clear (This is for consistency within the video), as long as the lighting works then that is fine.
2. You can record and submit a video within a few weeks of asking.
3. You dont mind this being uploaded around the internet with the potential of being monetised with all proceeds going towards

If you would like to take part, you know what to do :)

This sounds like an awesome idea! I would totally be interested in getting involved with this project.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Cheers my dearz,
At the moment we are mainly seeing who is interested and as soon as everything is ready and we have enough people we will post up further details, at present though there is no script :)
I am not 100% sure right now but I am leaning towards it not being scripted so what people say they actually mean :D
I would like to participate unfortunately it makes little sense for me to use my own face because it does not really "represent" me on this forum. Anyhow if you do this again and will allow the real persona of the channel coming out I would like to help however my persona/brand and entire feel means I really should be doing this with the avatar created for this purpose. If you change your mind on the subject let me know. :)
I would like to participate unfortunately it makes little sense for me to use my own face because it does not really "represent" me on this forum. Anyhow if you do this again and will allow the real persona of the channel coming out I would like to help however my persona/brand and entire feel means I really should be doing this with the avatar created for this purpose. If you change your mind on the subject let me know. :)

We should be doing these now and then for sure :)
I would love to contribute to the video but I have had a few things come up personally but I will be adding yttalk to my descriptions, I know its not much but I guess it helps.