YTtalk Promo Video 2 - Want to take part in a promotional video and help the forums?

Ok I am starting this today I think...should I do it with Gogo or me? My lighting kinda sucks on maybe I should go with Gogo!

With this one its going to have to be you, we are wanting to make things as best as possible by not accepting anything but people so gaming footage with talking over it wouldnt be accepted, stick a light on and I am sure yours will look fine :) Theres currently no script, we want this to be as natural as possible for everyone this time so say what you would say to a friend maybe if you wanted to tell them about this place and advertise it to them :)
aww man no Gogo...I dunno man I think I will just keep plugging the URL every once in a while on my vlog channel like I have been doing. I suck at these kinda things haha! Besides you don't want my face out their welcoming people in that's for sure lol! And I got the url on the main NTWG channel. I hope that's enough...I don't want people to think I'm not trying to promote this forum.
What kinds of things would you suggest saying? I may need some help with this because I can take 10 minutes to talk about nothing, but when it's something with meaning its more like 10 seconds.
Ray even mentioning us will be helping us out so thank you a lot for both that and linking in :) I cannot think of anything right now for what you could say, I kinda wanted each one to be personal for each member and something they would say themselves if talking about the forum to someone or trying to advertise it in their own words so that each section in the video is unique.
i'm interested!!! isit too late??
I think i would be good as there's not many "beauty" style people on this website so i'll be different :)) x
I would like one version to be honest, I think branching out into different themes is kinda too much for what we are actually doing here, we want to promote this place rather, we shouldnt have to have say a comedy themed one when we could have comedians added in already and a mix of different types showing the diversity of here.

I want you to edit it if you are happy to :)

If anyone would like to make their own video promoting the forums which will be included in a collab promo video please send your submissions to Th3StuffShow. As long as you meet the criteria in the first post then all should be fine, there is currently no script so you can be flexible in what you say etc.
Hey guys, I'll try and get my video done today, is there anything you'd like me to say to end the video? or a slogan or something?
Basically just say things about the site that would be advertising even saying i was looking for somewhere i could get get feedback on my videos and i found yttalk and it was just what i was looking for would be fine has to be something you would say of course.

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