BreadFarking Good!
We dont currently have a deadline, the only tagline we have at present is the one under the logo although that could be subject to change. There is no rush at all by the way
Whoever is editing at the end will be the one you send it to. I chose Th3StuffShow because I have seen his editing capabilities, I am not saying others cant edit as good as him but he is someone I trust when it comes to reaching deadlines in a timely manner etc We can be open for people offering to edit but I would prefer someone who can do things by deadlines, I suppose we could have a vote on who does the editing, this is all in its very early stages and editing comes last so lets leave that till last when we decide.
I am wanting this one to only be people within it so it has to be kinda like a vlog style, well you in front of the camera anywhere you fancy as long as it meets the things above, so gaming footage for example cant really be a part of it, I believe that will add more professionalism to it and consistency. We want a video that flows well basically.
I dont think we will have a script for this so people are open to improvise, should be more fun for all involved that way and produce a more fun video.
HAHA I can't imagine a someone would submit a let's play vid. Okay then, I am on it

I'm also planning to promote YTtalk on my upcoming webseries, Mornings with Mark. Just a simple way on how I can repay.