New Member

Ive had my own attempt which I somewhat like but could be better. Attached are the images I used. The character is trapped in a place filled with tvs so I went with that. I like the glitch image of myself as the character so I would like to keep that if possible. Do what you like with it though ^_^
Hi all,
I'm new to this site and don't have any money to offer for your time, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to create a youtube banner for me? I'm not that creative when it comes to these things.
The channel is called BoS Archive. Which is a fallout focused channel which aims to document everything within the fallout games. My approach however is more theatrical I guess? Rather than being like every other channel which provides info as a documentary, my approach is very differnt. I play as a character called Scribe Thomas. I am a member of the brotherhood of steel and my job in their ranks is to document everything. My first video explains my character found something he shouldnt have and is now trapped in a world between our world (reality) and his (the fallout universe) He describes it like he is basically stuck behind your TV. He can see you but you can't see him. The videos themselves start with players playing fallout and they stumble across a glitched holotape. Once played it begins the characters broadcast. After the first few vids he will then begin the providing real indepth info on everything within the games in short bite sized videos. He does it in an attempt to find a way back home, but also to stop him going crazy.
Currently I am making each post look slightly glitchy and the character is trying to send messages through to us in our world but it comes through slightly distorted. The thumbnails are currently binary code with the brotherhood of steel logo fading through.
The channel itself will be a life long project and personal interest of mine as there is a ton of info within these games lol. If anyone is interested, I'm looking to have a banner which is also glitchy but has the name BoS Archive in the centre. Possibly in green writing like a pipboy or what ever you feel is more visually pleasing.
I hope the above has sparked some ideas. Check out the channel under the youtube name of UC5lJMzxmCzv9HoiyBd6mi5Q if you like? I have put the first 2 vids up which will give you a better understand of what I'm aiming for. Attached is the symbol I use if you need it.
Thanks for your time and I can't wait to make more vids!!!

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