YouTube Videos Promotion Poll - Which Helps The Most?

Which platform do you find helps your channel/videos the most?

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I race competitively on F1 2015 game, and the most of my views come from their respective websites. In terms of a social media though, Twitter is the best for me.
I gotta find some better subreddits. i have had ZERO luck with reddit lol

Posting on reddit is definitely playing with matches. You need to find the right community. I found a small community where people contribute and actually discuss the topic at hand w/ 3000 members. I am a qualified poster on the subject and they are often happy if I post. Now if I post in a sub with say 10,000, even though I am qualified, there are a lot more people that just want to stand out and play the 'meta' of redditing. Once you post in those, let the upstaging and scrutiny begin.
I find that Twitter only ever helps me get a few 'likes' or adds me to 'lists' that never really contribute much towards my channel success. Facebook I find useful as I am able to join groups and post my video in areas that I know people are going to watch and are interested in it
None... Most of my subscribers on the social media sites come from my YouTube channel. I suppose it gets stuff out there to potential new subscribers, but I doubt it is measurable.
My thoughts would be that Twitter and or Facebook would probably be the way to go in terms of trying to promote videos. I have gotten a few shoutouts from people on Twitter and have yet to make a Facebook page but will probably do so in the near future.