Youtube Streaming - Looking For Startup Help


I've Got It
Hey Everyone,

Recently I've been thinking about doing some occasional streams on my channel but know next to nothing about setting them up. I've unlocked the feature on my account and know that I have to add some tag into a third party streaming program, but that's about it.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a streaming app? I'm looking for one that I could customize with my own borders, art, panels, and add things like subscriber shout outs that would appear on screen. Again I literally have no idea how any of that works so I could be speaking out of my buttocks.

Thanks :)
What Dino stated. OBS Studio has a lot of benefits you can use. It easily allows for custom graphics on stream, labels, etc. Sometimes can be a CPU hog, so if you have a higher end system you won't notice it at all.
Thanks for the quick response :) I'll be looking into that tonight and post again if I need further help!