YouTube 'Drama'

I think the broadcasting of YouTube Drama/News works as a shaming tactic on the people who are in the drama (in some cases). If people see the mistakes of their favorite famous Youtubers being broadcasted along with the backlash they are receiving, they will see that their favorite YouTubers are just as human as the rest of us, but also will be encouraged to avoid making the same mistakes as their favorite youtuber(s) out of fear of potentially being displayed in a negative light to all of YouTube which in turn would ruin their career (all of what I said is under the assumption that Keemstar is telling the truth about the situations surrounding these YouTube users rather than spreading alleged and false rumors, but also that the people watching the drama are aspiring youtube creators).
Keemstar is cancer but his show is entertaining
Honestly, it's nothing I pay attention to. Maybe because I'm much older than most of the folks instigating or participating in all of this, but I think life is way too short to worry about what other people are doing online. I'd rather use my time for making things that make me happy and can possibly make other people happy, as well.
Maybe because I'm much older than most of the folks instigating or participating in all of this
Nah, it's not that.
I myself am physically repulsed that I even clicked on the last page of this thread (at least it was only the last page). Procrastination makes you do crazy things I guess.
Nah, it's not that.
I myself am physically repulsed that I even clicked on the last page of this thread (at least it was only the last page). Procrastination makes you do crazy things I guess.
No xing is right most of the ones going to other channels and harassing the youtubers leafy makes fun of in his videos for example, are immature and most likely <15. As for you being repulsed by clicking on a page, and then reassuring yourself it was only the last page, I don't know what to say ... Therapist maybe?

To clarify I'm not saying the only immature ones are <15, nor am I saying everyone younger than is immature but that seems to be the case when it comes to some fanbases.
Xing was talking about caring about this sort of stuff in general.
Reading - it's helpful.
Maybe because I'm much older than most of the folks instigating or participating in all of this,

TFW you can't understand some basic words but call others out on their reading ...
when it comes to one of my favorite youtubers saying "I hate drama" when they constantly create more drama, shows me how fake they are, it makes me think less of them.

Agree. Creating, fueling /profiting out of big YT drama simply underlines your lack of creativity and what "bottom feeder" you are.
I don't know what you mean 'fake drama with bashur '

There were rumors that Bashur slept with a 15 year old when he was like 18 that were reported by Skydoesminecraft to others and eventually drama alert. I believe they turned out to be false, not sure though.

Yes Drama alert reported a twitch streamer being a pedophile when they weren't and that's their fault and drama alert should be punished (i.e. Lawsuit) but the guy decided not to (from my knowledge) but this has nothing to do with making private matters public, it has to do with false accusations.

It was them trying to get revenge on Clara Babylegs and did a fake story about her