YouTube 'Drama'


Super Poster
What do you guys think of the recent YouTube drama? Bigger YouTubers seem to be feeding off the drama recently (Not just Drama Alert but GradeAUnderA, Santoro etc.) Now I like all of these channels and Drama Alert is an entertaining show but I really don't understand why they act like they hate drama when they love it knowing it will help grow their channel so they continue to make it. Even pewdiepie is starting to get into drama. This has shown me how fake some of these bigger youtubers are. I like drama, I like fights, I have WorldStar bookmarked but when it comes to one of my favorite youtubers saying "I hate drama" when they constantly create more drama, shows me how fake they are, it makes me think less of them.
An End To Youtube Drama
Yes and I seen the video he did about Drama right before that one I have seen him call out Santoro as I saw him call out Other youtubers. Whether or not you're a fan of his you should be able to see that he is feeding off the drama and making one video isn't going to stop the drama if anything it fuels it up more. If he seriously wanted to end the drama he wouldn't talk about it.
I personally think there's too much drama. Youtube is meant for videos, not gossiping
(Plus i made a video on it too )
U got the wrong message from his video dude. There's good drama. Then there's bad drama.

And he's been trying to make YouTube a better place. Calling out the fakes like Jinx and prank channels. Reaction channels, the lot. And YouTube has ways been about drama. Well not about it but it's always been there. People only noticed when someone popular said look it's there but I'll act as if it wasn't there the whole time.

Drama isn't gonna go away. People will always argue. Human nature. I just believe we should stop bitching about drama and instead focus on the bs that is YouTube not doing anything about those abiding their rules.
so you arent alowed to critisise anyone ever? and because you do you are creating drama? lol if people are honestly doing pretty bad things are we not old enough to point those things out without there being a marching band of people screaming DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. besides what even is drama anymore you cant say anything about anyone without audiences jumping on the bandwagon and escelating stupid things higher than it should ever go. not only that but you may hear alot about youtube drama but that doesnt mean all of it is bad people just automaticly assume it is. I mean we are talking about massively diverse groups of people on youtube of all age ranges just because some guy has a disagreement with another doesnt mean anything.
I am going to attempt to understand this pile of incoherent phrases you call a paragraph. Okay 1. When did I say drama was bad? I said I like drama. 2. You obviously have some type of love for GradeA and cannot understand basic logic. He is pointing out plagiarism is fine but that's not all the drama related topic he has talked about on his channel. Like I said I'm fine with him talking about drama, WHICH IT IS, but I don't like the fact he acts like he dislikes making videos on it or hates drama when he keeps creating it. If you don't understand what I am talking about maybe you haven't spent enough time on YouTube and should focus more on educating yourself rather than Attempting to argue with someone that is taking a neutral stance on one which you are biased.
U got the wrong message from his video dude. There's good drama. Then there's bad drama.

And he's been trying to make YouTube a better place. Calling out the fakes like Jinx and prank channels. Reaction channels, the lot. And YouTube has ways been about drama. Well not about it but it's always been there. People only noticed when someone popular said look it's there but I'll act as if it wasn't there the whole time.

Drama isn't gonna go away. People will always argue. Human nature. I just believe we should stop bitching about drama and instead focus on the bs that is YouTube not doing anything about those abiding their rules.
Please read ^ I have no problem with him or his videos but the way he goes about approaching drama. I know all about #MakeYTGreatAgain
But what makes calling people out bad drama? especially when its actual points being made against someone, I think drama is being used as too broad of a term, Its like calling the news a drama programme.

also i dont appreciate the underhanded stab at me lol
Do you still not understand what I am saying? I said

"He acts like he hates drama by continues making it which makes him fake"

And you respond with

"But what makes people calling others out bad drama?"

When did I say it was bad drama? When did I say I didn't like it? When did I say he was in the wrong?

I can't understand your thought process and I am respectfully concerned about your mental health.
I think the problem isnt necessarily that people hate drama, I think its what you get that comes with drama. The hate comments, the keyboard warriors, death threats and the like, if none of those things happened when 2 guys disagreed drama wouldnt be nearly as talked about or mentioned.
Sure. That's still not what I'm referring to. Many YouTubers have come out saying

"Drama should be stopped, I don't like drama etc."

Then turn around and create more drama to stir up views
yeah that is pretty bad i suppose it depends on the context though. I dont think grade for example should not make videos about youtubers plagiarizing work and i wouldnt say calling someone out for doing stuff like that is drama but another example if someone said they didnt want drama then did a video or wrote something being a c**t to a guy for no reason then yeah thats pretty s****y.
Like pewdiepie did, like grade did