Your youtube pet peeves 2017 edition!

  • people using other's work in compilations etc with no permission.
  • certain video themes that have been done to death like the thousand degree knives, and the bee movie memes.
  • Youtube comment bell being removed and not replaced. not being able to reply to comments without going to the video that will then start playing is the single most frustrating update youtube has ever had.
Sub4sub comments
Clickbait thumbnails and titles

I think they need to stop it even thought they get views.
1) "(Nice comment about the video) I subbed" ....... Doesn't sub
2) Sub4Sub
3) Challenge, Tag, and React videos are what get views.
4) (this one I felt I had to elaborate on) When people say they also have a "Comedy" channel when in reality they just are funny. Like by Comedy channel, I mean I make jokes. My channel is based around being funny and making jokes. If you're a Gaming channel and you just so happen to be a funny person, I don't feel you should be calling yourself primarily a Comedy channel.
5) When you do a collab with someone and they don't put ANY of your links in their description.
  • people using other's work in compilations etc with no permission.
  • certain video themes that have been done to death like the thousand degree knives, and the bee movie memes.
  • Youtube comment bell being removed and not replaced. not being able to reply to comments without going to the video that will then start playing is the single most frustrating update youtube has ever had.
I almost did a thousand degree knife video because it was a trending topic, but I just couldn't bring myself to jump on the, you can't eat a thousand degree knife!
I almost did a thousand degree knife video because it was a trending topic, but I just couldn't bring myself to jump on the, you can't eat a thousand degree knife!
I suppose you could have cut your ingredients with it, but its a dangerous thing to do!
Ill go straight for it...

"Hi guys! is me "insert youtubername" and today I will ware colorblind glasses and see color for the first time ever! But guys remember to subscribe and like! (we only been 10 seconds in) 7min later out of 10... "Ok guys im about to see color for the first time! remember to hit that like bottom! Smash that subscribe! ok here we go....................REMEMBER TO SUBCRIBE ok! in 5...4...3....2...1... (guys proceeds to fake cry out of nowere...) Guys im seeing colors! remember to subscribe AND LIKE!!!
When videos go down something like this:
"HI!! My name is ####! :wub: Please take a moment to like this video and subscribe to my channel because it helps me out a lot! Now, onto the video! :D... " -fade to black and insert ad instead -- >.> 'Skip ad' to resume video- " onto the video! blahblahblahblah off topic...." (Me: ZzzZzZZZzzz...time for a bathroom break...) -15 minutes later- "And here is how you do the thing in title that is the reason why you clicked on this video! : D" (Finally!!!! what were we doing for the last 15 minutes?! lol)

Videos are becoming more and more like this! It's kind of driving me nuts. lol
Vloggers who start every jumpcut by staring off in the distance and then into the camera before they start speaking. Am I the only one who notices this?? Am I the only one who hates this??