Your upload schedule? ;)

We are daily vloggers. So we basically upload daily, although a couple of times I missed a day and so I would post 2 vlogs in one day to catch up.
I'll get around to having a set schedule at some point, maybe. For now I make sure I upload at least once a week.
I usually upload once a week, although the last month or so has been really busy for me so things are a little out of whack. All being well, I'll have two videos to post this week to make up for lost time!
I just upload 6 days a week at various times (Sometimes rendering and uploading takes longer than expected )
I make tutorials every wednesday. I also make animations which do not have a upload schedule. They will be uploaded when they are ready.
  • Weekends (I leave this open, because my schedule varies), I upload George the Self Esteem Cat videos.
  • Tuesday morning (6:30am scheduled): Men's Long Hair videos.
  • Thursday morning (6:30am scheduled) 3 Ingredient Recipes.
I'm working on some new stuff outside of this schedule, but it's just in the planning/building/testing stages. I'll probably add another regular day, but I want to make sure I'm not bugging my subscribers with too many uploads per week. Then again, I am subscribed to some channels who are really haphazard with uploading (nothing for a week, then 4 videos in a day) and that doesn't seem to hurt them any, so I'm probably overthinking things.