Your "Sole Purpose" on YouTube

I want to have it as an income, not necessarily a full time job, but maybe part time, since I already have a part time and well two and two end up making a full lol and I feel like it would be awesome to be able to be home most of the time and share my experience in gaming, while helping others, making their days better. In DIY be able to help people use random things in their house to create new things and with toys! Welp entertain kids!... my channel is all over the place XD
To spread the word of God and entertain people.

Money made from Youtube would largely go to my church, Good Shepherd Catholic Church. anything else would go to maintaining equipment and buying games..
I am a Youtuber because of pure enjoyment. I do Top 5 videos and my favorite part is the research. Afterwards, I get to pretty much present to the world what I just learned. It is a pretty neat thing to do.

However, I am not big whatsoever. If it does get to that point of being able to monetize- that would be amazing. :)
I just started up a gaming channel two weeks ago.
My friends have told me for years to give it a try because i had the potential to be good at it, so i finally pulled the trigger. I like the idea of reaching out to people via a common interest, in my case, gaming. I have sat for hours and watched these gamers make hilarious or informational content and thought to myself " I would like to do that". My nephew and I used to watch the Red Vs Blue series from rooster teeth and have died laughing at them. I have always loved to entertain people and share my enjoyment with others.

So my purpose is really to lighten someones mood through a shared love of gaming.
Even if I'm never able to share my experiences with millions of subscribers. The few that i have now, are making it worthwhile.
Here is my story.

4 years ago I made my channel because I played a lot of online games and wanted others to play with me.

I got a name in school because I am one of the only youtubers.

Now I cant quit, and I dont do it to play online games with people anymore. I do it for fun and as a break from life. I mainly upload whatever my current hobbies are now for satisfaction of myself and my viewers.
I literally just do it to entertain my friends back home since I moved across the US without telling anyone lmao oops.