your favourite youtubers on YTtalk?

I know :( I'm sorry....I would kill for cheese cake right now........oooooooooh maaaaaaan....[DOUBLEPOST=1366256760,1366256739][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've never heard of it? I don't think??

hmm keep en eye out for it!'s a canada only drink thats been around for atleast 10 ish years.. but now im starting to think its B.C only lol wow Favorite ytalk youtubers thread turned in to a discussion about energy drinks
mmmmm cheezecake *drools*[DOUBLEPOST=1366255922,1366255900][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry.
You're not forgiven! ._. BUT, I haz cold chocolate drink in mah right hand now, hohoho!

not a fan of monster really! we have an Energy drink here in Canada called Red rain and thats why i like! :D Katherinejane001 do you have Red rain in your neck of the woods?

What does red rain taste like? :O
hmmm like taurine! lol. actually its pretty smoth sorta a bubble gummy lime flavor. its hard to explain haha
Now I want some! Is that why you're up at all hours in the night? Hahahahaha, you night owl you. Hoot hoot.
Let's see... Lilikoi Juice... and who else?
Oh of course: William Phan gisikw Pearl symphonious7 Sirtoshi count_teribil KGATV SakuraPaws
I know I'm missing some people.
Aww, thank you! ^_^ <3

I am beyond flattered, William! Thank you.[DOUBLEPOST=1366236141][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm not really sure who my favorites are, but I do routinely check out videos from:

Lilikoi Juice
William Phan

And probably some others that I can't remember at the moment.
Hooray! Thanks! :D :D
Hey guys...I've been a bit of an ungrateful flop. As much here as in the Thank Yous threads...the people I'm about to mention I watch always and feel admiration for here on the forum, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:

gisikw, William Phan, Katherinejane001, AikoMiyoko, B4Astudios, Lilikoi Juice, JohnKenShow, symphonious7, Dee, LovingTheGameplay (10 tag limit)

There are many others I like a lot and watch, but may have forgotten to mention short: I have learned a lot from u guys here and plan to stay a while to SUCK all ur knowledge and coolness.[DOUBLEPOST=1366358042,1366357994][/DOUBLEPOST]Part 2:

Wreckless Eating, Vicboss, TheNightmare22, FN_Pryde, Randy McKown, KGATV, Itskamren, randomlilnikki, Luis Patino, VlogRays, Th3StuffShow

Some I interact with here in the forum I have not yet had the chance to check out yet, will do so soon!