Would love a Review on my first fight scenes and chanel branding

Freshly Finished

Loving YTtalk
HI Everyone!

I would absolutely love if you were able to give me some honest feedback on either the branding of my channel ie. banner, thumbnails, profile photo etc. Or if you could let me know your thoughts on the fight scene in my latest music video. It is not something i have ever done before and this was a great chance to give it a try. My brother is actually the fighter in this video and has been training for about 10 years now, so i don't think i could have have gotten any better subject to film lol. anyway, thanks in advance and I will go through this thread and give the feedback i can on all other posts :)

Music Video Link:
Yo man, the lighting and camerawork is solid. I like the song too! As a person who trains bjj, I liked the fight scene, and I think other people will be able to relate as well. Back in the days, it was boxing, but mma is front and center now, and 'rolling' isn't as foreign as it used to be, so its not niche and unrelateable. I dig
Yo man, the lighting and camerawork is solid. I like the song too! As a person who trains bjj, I liked the fight scene, and I think other people will be able to relate as well. Back in the days, it was boxing, but mma is front and center now, and 'rolling' isn't as foreign as it used to be, so its not niche and unrelateable. I dig

Thank you very much!! Yah I completely agree that now a days rolling is much more common place. and kickboxing, well, who doesn't want to watch that! thanks for the input and complements tho, its much appreciated