I'm getting a dedicated camera for filming my comedy skits that I might also use for my gaming channel, and I'm deciding between a 1080p/60fps camera vs. a significantly more expensive 4K camera (a $200-$300 difference). Currently in most videos, gaming and live both, the quality standard for big/dedicated channels seems to be 1080p. However, YouTube also supports 4K, and I've watched a few gaming videos with quality higher than 1080p, such as 1440p. (Of course, screen-capture is different from camera recording, but this is just an example that higher HD is out there.)
Reading about the differences between 1080p and 4K: HD vs. Ultra HD, I'm wondering, 1) do you think 1080p HD quality will be replaced by 4K sometime in the future? (Would 1080p be the new 720p, technically HD but something that no one settles for?) 2) if so, how soon? If not, why not? 3) would you invest in a 4K camera if you had no camera? 4) any other thoughts?
At this point, I don't think having such a high-definition camera for filming skits is necessary (you'd see all the flaws on my face!), but I'd like to keep my options open and allow for expansion in the future. For example, I have diverse focuses on my skits channel, and I might want to film some footage outdoors. I'm also a relatively recent and small channel, and I'd like to attract more viewers by maintaining high-quality videos.
P.S. Excuse me if I use the "p" in 1080p incorrectly. I know there's some distinction between 1080 and 1080p, but I don't believe it's super relevant to this post.