Why does Misery love company on Youtube???

Mark Stise

Loving YTtalk
Why does Misery love company on Youtube???

My father in Law was diagnosed with Lung Cancer last week.
As such I decided to do a Playlist Vlog so that any family member or friends from back east could stay up to date on what is going on with his condition.

Interestingly enough these self same videos seem to be getting the most views on my Chatting with Mark Stise Channel.
I find it kind of discouraging that people live for this kind of stuff.
I post things about my Father-in-Law to keep people up to date.
So those family members and friends can know what's going on.

If you look at my Hospital vlog, its short all of 44 seconds and I'm in a waiting room giving an update as to what is going on. It's not like I'll shoving my camera in this poor guys face as he's dying!
So you tell me, why does misery love company?
Yes I'm going to keep on doing videos about my Father-in-law but I certainly wont be running for a video camera when he getting chest pains or has trouble breathing!

I guess i'm ranting more then asking
Probably not people who enjoy death that is watching it, rather, people who are in the same situation and trying to find comfort in others going through the same thing they are.
If misery didn't like company there wouldn't be this phrase at all.
In my subjective opinion this happens for the same reason that people tend to watch
accidents, drama, all those ugly pictures and videos. Low level insticts.
Our mind is by now over saturated with people that are in a bad situations.
I remember that many years ago, Unicef didn;t post oftenly pictures of starving
children in Africa exactly for this reason, Not to be familiar with shocking images.
Now on, we have literally seen everything online and unsensored.
From all angles, without blurring anything and youtube anonymity
allow some people to comment as already said. By their lower level insticts.
Maybe it’s not because they enjoy watching but maybe they can relate to it. My videos about me geeks bullied did really well snd it was because people can relate those videos.
People can related to it. Is like how kids love to watch youtubers show off they have money, because they wish they have that life or want to see how that would be like. Soooooo yeah