
  1. Mark Stise

    How many of you have gone Full Time by doing YouTube?

    How many of you have gone Full Time by doing YouTube? I'm curious just how many of you have gone from making Yotube a hobby to a Full time Career? Just how man Subscribers did you have before you made the switch?
  2. Mark Stise

    Do people feel threaten by you making YouTube videos?

    Do people try and Force you Not to make YouTube videos? I did a video about a high school baseball senior named Jesse DeHoyos who is also a YouTuber that was told he not allowed to do any more videos until his baseball season is over. Has this ever happened to you as someone who makes YouTube...
  3. Mark Stise

    Is Channel Awesome in its Death Throws?

    Is Channel Awesome in its Death Throws? Mark Stise chats about the controversy going on right now around Channel Awesome and The Nostalgia Critic, many want to know what happened? Mark Stise adds his opinion
  4. Mark Stise

    500 Subscribers

    YEAH I just hit 500 SUBSCRIBERS!! I am halfway to my goal of 1,000 THIS IS SUPER AWESOME
  5. Mark Stise

    How many seconds can a video clip be to avoid copyright notice?

    Hello Everyone How many seconds can a video clip be to a avoid copyright notice? One of the things I do I do videos for kids with cancer. I have my own set of Star Wars Clone Armor and I do shout outs for kids. But I've like to avoid any copyright issues that might come my way. So if I use...
  6. Mark Stise

    Why does Misery love company on Youtube???

    Why does Misery love company on Youtube??? My father in Law was diagnosed with Lung Cancer last week. As such I decided to do a Playlist Vlog so that any family member or friends from back east could stay up to date on what is going on with his condition. Interestingly enough these self same...
  7. Mark Stise

    Live Streaming? What are the Do's and Don'ts???

    Hey Everyone I haven't done a live stream as yet and quit frankly I'm a little nervous about doing one. Why?? Well lets see. 1) I only have just under 500 subscribers so If I did do a live stream would anyone really show up? 2) What do I talk about in my live stream, I mean Q&A might be a good...
  8. Mark Stise

    Doing a Vlog on a family member with a Terminal Illness.

    hey Everybody! Yesterday was a pretty crappy day for not only me but my entire family. We found out that my Father in Law has Lung Cancer... I decided to do a video when we got home from the doctor and ranted for about 13 minutes or so. I was angry because this was something that could have...
  9. Mark Stise

    It's nice to be able to watch your channel grow!

    Hello everyone: I've only been on YTTALK for about a month now give or take a week or so. And I've seem and read a lot of ideas on how to grow your channel. With my Star Wars Clone Wars channel is was pretty simple make music videos using Clone Wars footage. I quickly began to grow a fan base...
  10. Mark Stise

    Just how many Playlists can you have on your Youtube Channel?

    Hello Everyone!!! So its really a simply question I am trying to organize my playlists Now my Chatting with Mark Stise channel is NOT themed I don't do videos on any one subject Whatever I want to talk about I do videos on. That being said I clearly cover a lot of topics So just how many...
  11. Mark Stise

    Posting videos on Social Media...

    Hello Everybody!!! Well I've been part of this site for a couple of weeks now and I must say there is a lot of things on here I have learned. One of which is: In order to grow my channel I going to need to promote my videos! So given the fact that I am on Facebook most of the time and I have...
  12. Mark Stise

    What is the best way to use Reddit?

    Hello Everyone!!! Yes i'm new to Reddit and I'm wondering What i the best way to use this site to help my channel Yes I have posted videos to various subreddits But in the 3 years i have been on that channel I have yet to gain a single friend! So I must be doing something wrong, wouldn't you...
  13. Mark Stise

    Shout Outs!! What are the rules on Youtube???

    Hello Everyone!!! One of the things I like doing is Shout outs!!! I'm not the typical Youtuber who will post a video shout out for 50 plus Youtubers on one video. I do one video telling people why I like there channel, website or even restaurant. Generally I do a 2-5 minute video on the...
  14. Mark Stise

    What is one of the best ways to increase your Subscriber base?

    What is one of the best ways to increase your Subscriber base? I'm curious if you had to list just one way to improve your channel by getting Subscribers what would it be? Now I realize there will be different methods for many many different people. But I'd like to pick your brain. So if...
  15. Mark Stise

    What are my chances of doing Youtube Full-time???

    Hello Everyone... So I am asking a very simple question What are my chances of doing Youtube on a Full time basis??? I love doing videos I enjoy making content but right now my Chatting with Mark Stise channel is still very new. Hell only 475 subscribers is no where near what I need to earn a...
  16. Mark Stise

    How do I know when I reach 4000 watch hours???

    Hello Everyone Well as I expected my Chatting with Mark Stise channel was demonetized. No surprise there as I only have 475 subscribers so for. I'm not worried about getting to 1,000 Subscribers It's the 4000 hours of watch time I'm not very clear on. Is it 4,000 Hours of watch time per year...
  17. Mark Stise

    Should I subscribe or not?

    Have you ever seen a video that you really really like and when you go to check out that person's Youtube videos, you discover they stopped making content years ago! I've had that happen a couple of times, I've seen videos with 1,000's of views but the creator stopped making any more. Do you...
  18. Mark Stise

    Is it really necessary to have a set schedule when posting our videos?

    So I am most likely going to do a video on this very question. But it still needs to be asked. My channel currently has 200+ videos to date. I like not having a set schedule for posting my videos as I general post them on each and every weekend of the month. I like not having the pressure of...
  19. Mark Stise

    How do I use YTtalk to grow my channel?

    Hello: Okay it is important for you to have a little bit of a backstory. I started out with a Star Wars the Clone Wars channel (I still have it) I gained a lot of subscribers by doing music videos, I really enjoyed doing that. Given the fact people enjoyed my videos I began doing charity videos...
  20. Mark Stise

    Frogman Trailer

    Frogman is an IMOVIE trailer about Scuba diving. I wanted to make a horror movie trailer about something as innocent as scuba diving Michael England was kind enough to allow me to use his film footage
  21. Mark Stise

    Frogman Trailer

    Frogman is an IMOVIE trailer about Scuba diving. I wanted to make a horror movie trailer about something as innocent as scuba diving Michael England was kind enough to allow me to use his film footage
  22. Mark Stise

    The gift of kindness

    The Gift of Kindness Is a video done by Mark Stise to show that its okay to be kind to one another. Videos by videoblocks which is royalty free Music Ave-Maria by audioblocks which is royalty free Clips include Charlie Chaplin The Great...
  23. Mark Stise

    Puppet Dog vs Cat

    We were working on a skit with my puppet Trooper Timberwolf when our cat Magik decided to put himself in the act!