What makes some youtubers engaging— and others not?


Hey y’all!

I’m Minty, and recently I’ve been wondering— what sort of personalities seem to catch your attention on youtube? What makes a channel memorable?

I’d really love to here your opinion on that!
This is a tough one! But essentially, I love YouTubers who are quirky and have a great sense of humor. That's the only thing that I can say connects the YouTubers I'm subscribed to (and even then, not all of them).
Hey y’all!

I’m Minty, and recently I’ve been wondering— what sort of personalities seem to catch your attention on youtube? What makes a channel memorable?

I’d really love to here your opinion on that!

It depends on the creator really, I listen to certain musicians because they're very good at what they do, listen to PhillyD because he says the news from both sides, and watch tech channels and movie review channels because I'm interested in their opinions on certain things. I also like when creators add in a bit of humour, with Front Page Tech being a good example of a tech channel that does that.
Same reasons that some people are more popular than others in real life. :) It's a people thing. ^^ Identify the people in real life that you like / admire / respect the most and analyse why that probably is.

It's usually:
Knowledge, special skills, achievements
Charisma / above average looks
Interesting life, interesting hobbies, does his/her own thing.
Confidence, independence
I just really dislike those youtubers who attempt to be “meta”. Like they say they don’t care about subs or they’re just a general butt about every topic they cover. They might be overlyagressive in their comments to anyone who dares have a different

Ya know like onision or something.

FYI most of the time the “I’m so aggressive GRRRR Look how cool I am I curse to show just how RUSTLED I am!!!!” thing makes you look more like a jerk and that you’re really immature and just not someone I would want to sub to.

Try to be professional. Accept negative comments with grace, and be humble.

Have a decent personality and people will love you! :D Be a human, be someone that your community can look up to and talk to!
This is a tough one! But essentially, I love YouTubers who are quirky and have a great sense of humor. That's the only thing that I can say connects the YouTubers I'm subscribed to (and even then, not all of them).
That makes sense! I like youtubers that have their own quirks that make them *them* I guess. I also wonder though, what separates the youtubers who ‘made it’ from those who didn’t, personality wise?

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That makes sense! I like youtubers that have their own quirks that make them *them* I guess. I also wonder though, what separates the youtubers who ‘made it’ from those who didn’t, personality wise?
This is a really tough one.
My two favorite YouTubers are Jenna Marbles and Bishop Robert Barron.
These two people have absolutely nothing in common except being very likeable.
I think that is in essence what people sub for - in good deal of cases, they sub to people they could see themselves hang out with or be friends with. This isn't a hard and fast rule (HowToBasic is very popular despite not actually showing his/hers/its face).
This is a really tough one.
My two favorite YouTubers are Jenna Marbles and Bishop Robert Barron.
These two people have absolutely nothing in common except being very likeable.
I think that is in essence what people sub for - in good deal of cases, they sub to people they could see themselves hang out with or be friends with. This isn't a hard and fast rule (HowToBasic is very popular despite not actually showing his/hers/its face).
Huh, so the whole illusion of feeling closer to youtubers than normal celebs due to the more personalised experience?

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I personally like people with big personalities! Not necisarily loud people, but people who see the world in funny ways or see the fun and good in things!

Basically I think I like fun...