What Happens When You Don't Upload Videos Regularly?

I never said I wanted to make a job. It simply becomes a full time job all its own. Who would be making youtube videos in the 1st place if they didn't want people to watch them. I quickly realized where you stand with the competition and if you want to stay on top you gotta bust your a** that's simply not a lifestyle for me anymore.

I think the ideology of "To stay on top, you gotta bust your a**" applies to pretty much any job. If you're content being at the bottom of the barrel in any corporation/industry, great.

But if you want to become the CEO, COO, Director or Manager, then you have to work hard in any career.
Stopping regular uploads is like failing to show up to work, being late, leaving early.
It triggers alarm bells throughout the system.
The algorithm will question whether you are serious or had given up.
If it decides that you have given up, it stops serving your videos to viewers, because, what's the point?
From my own experience, a 5 day absence is the start of the decline. A 7 day absence sees a massive traffic drop.
Any longer that that, and you're fired!

Wow. I had no idea that the YT algorithm takes into account the regularity with which a channel posts new material. Makes sense though. I've posted very little this year, although the material that I did post was of a very high quality. I'm disappointed with a recent drop off in views, but it sounds like "the Boss" may be getting sick of my skyving!
Wow. I had no idea that the YT algorithm takes into account the regularity with which a channel posts new material. Makes sense though. I've posted very little this year, although the material that I did post was of a very high quality. I'm disappointed with a recent drop off in views, but it sounds like "the Boss" may be getting sick of my skyving!

I do think the algo learns the particular characteristics of a channel, and factors that into any decisions about upload frequency. If an animation channel uploads once every month, then that is what it is. If they then miss 2-3 uploads, that could be a problem. If a kids channel uploads daily religiously for months, then suddenly skips 7 days, that would trigger some alarm bells. Another week, and the status of the channel would probably be re-evaluated to some degree. So I think it's not cut as dry as 'x' amount of days, but more adaptive to the historical patterns of the channel.
I do think the algo learns the particular characteristics of a channel, and factors that into any decisions about upload frequency. If an animation channel uploads once every month, then that is what it is. If they then miss 2-3 uploads, that could be a problem. If a kids channel uploads daily religiously for months, then suddenly skips 7 days, that would trigger some alarm bells. Another week, and the status of the channel would probably be re-evaluated to some degree. So I think it's not cut as dry as 'x' amount of days, but more adaptive to the historical patterns of the channel.

Thanks for the clarification. I suspected that the algorithm would probably factor in the upload history of a channel as you said. My channel is a useful tool for my main business rather than being my main business, so weekly uploads would be almost impossible. I need to try to keep to a monthly upload schedule and then stick to it!
as someone that uploads once every few months+ my channel definitely still has growth.
No doubt If I could post more often I would, but that would be physically impossible for me.

if your content can be produced at your best level in a day, upload in a day.
if it takes you a few days, weeks or months, then wait for it.
Subscribers really appreciate you taking the extra time to put into your content to make sure its the best you can make, it shows in their comments.

so analyse how long it takes you to do a great vid, and make that your schedule.
Yea I'm with you! I think if you have evergreen videos or ones that aren't dated, you could stop posting forever and still have views. You might not have subs if they see you haven't uploaded in 3 years but you never know.
In my experience, I posted weekly videos for 3 months and gained nearly 100 subs, and then I stopped for 6 months and posted a couple videos and hit a plateau for the past month. Only gained 5 subs since i started making videos again. So, I'd definitely say to stay consistent when you're a small channel like myself
I'm not sure personally because I've made 4 or 5 videos a month on my channel since I started four years ago. However, big youtubers who stop for a month or two are suddenly labelled dead because some audiences aren't aware youtubers are humans with lives outside their channels.
There would & could be some exceptions to the rule. But those would be very specific and uncommon.

Based on discussions with our Youtube brand manager, she mentioned, and emphasized, on several occasions that a consistent and regular upload schedule is one of the critical success factors. Both for viewers, and for the backend system.

Like I said, you'll find odd exceptions in every case. But I prefer to go along with what a Youtube employee said, especially one whose job it is to help channels grow.

As a small channel I don't see much growth uploading everyday. I almost wonder if I should have started with 2-3 per week.. but then again if I went down to 2-3 per week maybe my views would decrease?[DOUBLEPOST=1482966015,1482965467][/DOUBLEPOST]Uploading every day is exhausting, I love it but when you don't see the views coming in after 6 months, it gets discouraging.. I really want to do 2-3 per week but as a small channel, I fear it will kill us. We have already went from 10,000 views per day to about 5,000 per day since last week and I am still uploading every day. So I dunno. Then again we are so small maybe it won't hurt us.
As a small channel I don't see much growth uploading everyday. I almost wonder if I should have started with 2-3 per week.. but then again if I went down to 2-3 per week maybe my views would decrease?[DOUBLEPOST=1482966015,1482965467][/DOUBLEPOST]Uploading every day is exhausting, I love it but when you don't see the views coming in after 6 months, it gets discouraging.. I really want to do 2-3 per week but as a small channel, I fear it will kill us. We have already went from 10,000 views per day to about 5,000 per day since last week and I am still uploading every day. So I dunno. Then again we are so small maybe it won't hurt us.

I have also uploaded daily recently and looks like the more I upload the more less views I get on the channels. So it is almost like the channel is going backwards and not growing.

It should have worked the other way around .... the more frequent uploads the more views you get. The new YouTube algorithm changes is making it very difficult and very discouraging indeed. I agree with you.

It is almost like YouTube is penalizing your channel and stifling views and growth. Also the videos don't get seen by most of your subscribers.[DOUBLEPOST=1482994886][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do think the algo learns the particular characteristics of a channel, and factors that into any decisions about upload frequency. If an animation channel uploads once every month, then that is what it is. If they then miss 2-3 uploads, that could be a problem. If a kids channel uploads daily religiously for months, then suddenly skips 7 days, that would trigger some alarm bells. Another week, and the status of the channel would probably be re-evaluated to some degree. So I think it's not cut as dry as 'x' amount of days, but more adaptive to the historical patterns of the channel.

Interesting. So we must stick to a set schedule and not deviate from it.
Exactly, regular or week per 1 or 2 video correct. But long time off my channel goes down. View or engagement down day by day. Not only this, search ranking also fall.