My opinion and experience -
1. it depends on the traffic sources which are giving you views
2. competition in the niche.
3. life of the niche \ topic the video and channel is based on
In our case, we had our first video ranked very high in a niche within 2 months (we wanted it to be ranked for another niche, but YouTube ranked for another related but smaller niche!). after uploading 4 or 5 more videos after first video in next 3-4 months, we stopped uploading because other videos did not rank and we got discouraged... Well after that we did not upload any video for next 7 months. Guess what happened with channel, views and subscribers - It kept growing consistently. Our first view kept getting higher and higher in ranking and our major source of views were SEARCH and SUGGESTED VIDEOS. So each month we got higher views, more subscribers and it is still growing. Note that other videos still dont get views.
Points to Note:
1. The niche we are ranked on is evergreen. What it means is it is not event or time dependant, people are and will keep searching for it for a long time. If you are a gaming channel making videos on famous games, you might get ranked high in SEO, but number of searches for your niche is going to slow down after some time (weeks, may be months). But you might have other view sources which will keep your channel growing.
2. There is not much competition in our niche. Competition means how many new videos are uploaded on that topic every day / week / month. In our case, a new video appears may be after a few months, which is good for us because video has retained its ranking for LAST 20 MONTHS ! Back to gaming channels, if you make a video on a famous video which was released recently, competition will be very high.
3. If your channel and videos are based on events, then your channel will most probably going to slow / die if you dont upload regulary and take break fro a few months. For example - vloggers get their views from regular upload, mostly will post videos on trending topics or Challenges etc. If they dont post videos, they will see decrease in growth.
So before deciding how your upload schedule will effect your channel, keep in mind all things I have mentioned above. I am sure there are more things to consider as well, but this was my experience.