What Are The Odds?

I asked the question when I first joined these forums back in March, someone posted a good write up for me:

"In 2013 so far, I've been averaging about 800K views a month, and I was partnered about a week into a January. Naturally, alot of my views in January weren't monetized, as there was a week I wasn't partnered, and I did a lot of my video claiming in bursts. I got paid for 372,000 views, which, if Youtube was a 40-hour work week, gave me what would be a little under minimum wage. For my February payment I'm expecting a good deal more, as the CPM increases and more of my views are accounted for. I'm not personally looking into doing Youtube as a career, and look at my videos as a hobby, but if I can end up getting a few grand a month from simply playing video games, that would be incredible, regardless of whether or not it'd be enough to support a family, haha. No doubt it'd be best to not rely on that too much, and try to get a Job IRL also, but YT money no doubt can be a great support."

Oh and my original question was a bit higher than yours, I wanted YouTube to match my current annual salary so it was $80k+

That works out to a ~$3.25CPM.
haha funny thing is alot of people who make enough for us to live off youtube wqould never support there channel and them you need alot of money to feed your subs when your big and you move on to bigger things to. Since rwj was brought up you can tell him and anna just do this now to fund bigger and better projects like riley rewind, run away plannet, rays new mixtape, tv shows he is trying to get picked up.
lol no I'm being sarcastic.[DOUBLEPOST=1367870747,1367870681][/DOUBLEPOST]

Yep, and this is why I will never, ever concern myself with earning money from YouTube.
Don't take me the wrong way, I like making videos but I'm not doing this for free. I need to makes some money doing it, if just to pay for the money I put in. But my ultimate goal is for it to make some $$.
It will be a long time for a lot of us until we reach a stage where we can live comfortably on youtube. gisikw is flying up though, so Id say he will soon!
Don't take me the wrong way, I like making videos but I'm not doing this for free. I need to makes some money doing it, if just to pay for the money I put in. But my ultimate goal is for it to make some $$.

So get a job, and then quit that job when YouTube brings the money in. I'm not even being sarcastic. Don't look to YouTube as your only source of income unless you know you're already raking it in.
funny thing when you start doing something you love for work you learn to hate it. Keep it as a hobby not a job

That...doesn't make any sense at all in my opinion. If you love something, and I mean have loved it for years and years, you wouldn't just hate it when you start making money off of it, you would probably even love it more!
There are too many factors in play to say that 25 million views would get you there. In my category, you could probably do it if half of the views were monetized-but there's also the question of expenses. What we make from YouTube and what our net profit is are completely different things. There are also alternate sources of revenue when you're on YouTube. If you do reviews and get paid per review, then you can easily exceed $50k before you even factor in YouTube ad revenue.