What Are The Odds?


Posting Mad!
Has anyone ever figured out the odds on making a living off of YouTube? Let's say you arbitrarily set the bar at $50k USD a year, how many folks make that kind of coin? How many folks are "active" with monetized accounts?

To make $50k a year, wouldn't that mean you'd have to have roughly 25,000,000 views a year?
Has anyone ever figured out the odds on making a living off of YouTube? Let's say you arbitrarily set the bar at $50k USD a year, how many folks make that kind of coin? How many folks are "active" with monetized accounts?

To make $50k a year, wouldn't that mean you'd have to have roughly 25,000,000 views a year?

That's a lot of money.

OlgaKay earns that from her main channel (OlgaKay, of course hehe). She has about 500 channels haha so she earns more than that overall, but you're looking at those kind of stats on average.
I asked the question when I first joined these forums back in March, someone posted a good write up for me:

"In 2013 so far, I've been averaging about 800K views a month, and I was partnered about a week into a January. Naturally, alot of my views in January weren't monetized, as there was a week I wasn't partnered, and I did a lot of my video claiming in bursts. I got paid for 372,000 views, which, if Youtube was a 40-hour work week, gave me what would be a little under minimum wage. For my February payment I'm expecting a good deal more, as the CPM increases and more of my views are accounted for. I'm not personally looking into doing Youtube as a career, and look at my videos as a hobby, but if I can end up getting a few grand a month from simply playing video games, that would be incredible, regardless of whether or not it'd be enough to support a family, haha. No doubt it'd be best to not rely on that too much, and try to get a Job IRL also, but YT money no doubt can be a great support."

Oh and my original question was a bit higher than yours, I wanted YouTube to match my current annual salary so it was $80k+