What are my chances of doing Youtube Full-time???

Practically zero. And that goes for everyone that starts this thing with hopes of doing it full-time. You either get big quick or keep it as a hobby for life. Most people will just get disenfranchised and quit though. Especially now that the point of entry is quite steep.
There is some great advice in the comments on this thread.

Going full time on YouTube is possible for anybody who puts their mind to it and with a certain amount of business acumen in my opinion, IF you don't just sit back and wait for the ad revenue to come in. @Loki Doki is a great example of this. His comment was very interesting and also showed how he used various methods to monetise his channel.

I took a quick look at your channel and, if you don't mind me being direct, your content is all over the place.

If you focus on one subject, or one niche, your subscribers and viewers will be people who are interested in that specific subject or niche. This will give you a client base that is relatively easy to sell to, because you know what they are interested in and what they want. If on the other hand some of your viewers come to your channel because they saw a video game review, some because they saw a skit, some because they were interested in some place you've been to...how are you going to know what to offer them for sale? Who would pay you on patreon to finance your channel if only one in five videos is of interest to them?

In all honesty, if you want to tell your boss to go to hell (something I guess we have all gone through), I recommend that you also look for other employment while at the same time growing your channel. It takes a very very long time to turn a YouTube channel into a business, so don't look at it as your only solution to getting out of your current employment.

I follow your mind in this one! But what if your niche has a handfull of great channels where you can find all information you need? Is it still possible to start out and 'defeat' those channels, or become as good as them over time?
I follow your mind in this one! But what if your niche has a handfull of great channels where you can find all information you need? Is it still possible to start out and 'defeat' those channels, or become as good as them over time?
I'm not sure it's necessary to defeat other channels in order to be successful on YouTube. Hundreds of millions of people watch YouTube, if you produce quality content on a regular basis you should be able to grow a decent following in any niche. The important thing is to do your own thing and not copy others.
As many people have said in the thread, you need to start getting income from different area's not just adsense. I would recommend Affiliate programs like Amazon, creating merch, etc.

Wish you all the best in looking into these routes.
Youtube alone isn't enough. Nowadays people also stream on Twitch and sell merchandise. Or they also get sponsors. You kinda need a combination of all of that to make it 'full time'.