Gaming Wanting to Collab on PC, Any Size Channel Welcome


Active Member
Hello there me and a few friends are wanting to collaborate with other YouTube and possibly make some friends too :D however we have a few requirements

Age Range
We are looking for people who are in the 18+ category or very close to it to join our mature gaming community, plus we're all in that category anyways, so we want people around our age.

Time Zones
Ideally we want people who are either UK based or in Europe, since most of us are based in the UK and in Europe we want people in the same timezone since it will make collaborating easier. If you are not in the UK or in Europe we can hopefully work something out.

Subscriber Range
N/A, we play with anyone of any size YouTube channel, we're here to play games at the end of the day
What everyone has in common, we will try to play games everyone has and everyone enjoys

We want people with decent audio quality, and people with decent recording quality, this is for both recording purposes and for when not recording.

Finally we want people who are COMMITTED to collaborating and not just say it (we had some people who wasted our time) and we want people who speak ENGLISH since everyone in our little community speaks it.

If this sounds like the gig for you, don't forget to drop me a message or DM on skype dengamerjack or over on twitter @ICEMonk71

Cheers for looking and thank you for your time, hope to hear from people soon!
hey im down to play. im 27 so age isnt a factor. my channel is small but i wanna grow and maybe get in with a group to grow together.
I am Abdullahx9000 16 years old but sound older and act older xD. My Channel has been growing pretty fast, and I am around 130 Subscribers. If you are interested check out my YT Channel: Abdullahx9000. If you are interested add me on skype: Abdullahx9000.
hey cj !!! feel free to contact ice monk, me and him are looking for people to collab with. \
And hi abdullah :)
I think icemonk sent you a message on skype. See you both soon :D
DK, you're gunna have to drop me a message via twitter or skype then if you want to get the ball rolling
also I need to know what kind of games you plan to play