I knew it was too good to be true.[DOUBLEPOST=1371589765,1371589549][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tripod isn't the most important, it just depends on your set up, a DSLR doesn't typically sit flat especially with a long/heavy lens. So you just want it leveled and with a tripod it helps a lot.
But yes, lens and lighting is king for filming.
The blurry edges is called bokeh and it's easier to achieve with a fast prime lens like that 50mm f1.8. The 18-55 kit isn't great. If I recall correctly it's 3.5-5.6 which won't give you much of that blurry background. But it's practically free with the camera.
Will I found this 'Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 II Lens' on amazon it's £79. Is this what you mean?
And would this lens only fit on certain model cameras?
Thankyou for answering all my questions I really appreciate your help