Titles too long?


Loving YTtalk
Can video titles be too long? Or does this make little difference..




much better than:


The second title is a bit longer. Thanks in advance!

Keep your titles within 70 characters (including spaces). Though YouTube has a 100-character limit for titles, anything longer than 70 will be truncated.

If you want to see what it will look like on Google SERPS type in "google snippet tool title"
Can video titles be too long? Or does this make little difference..




much better than:


The second title is a bit longer. Thanks in advance!

Yes and No, depends if the long title is catchy but try and keep them short. The shorter the title the more curious you make your viewer. Think of it like this. "i failed" against "I failed to do a back flip in the pool while holding a noodle". I would personally click on option A since I already saw a lot of fails where people do back flips and failed especially in pools.

Try and keep your titles short unless you can make a longer one seem more interesting
I title my videos a short title what goes on in the video, then what i do, then the game so it would look like
"Killer Clowns In Los Santos | Grand Theft Auto 5 Skit | GTA V"
Or something like that, I think having a title too long including too many keywords are easily looked away from, but I don't really use keywords in an abusive way :)
You can have a long title, but seperate portions. It will make it easier to read. Also, I would keep the title short, and put more info into the desc.
From the perspective of getting ranked on video tags longer titles can sometimes be better. It does make a difference in getting ranked on more tags if you can fit more keywords in, and sometimes this makes me want to make the titles longer. I've changed some video titles and got ranked on tags that I wasn't previously ranked on just by putting different words into the title or more keywords. So I would choose your title carefully based on which tags you are trying to specifically target. At the same time you obviously don't want to turn people off with odd titles so you have to word it so the keywords seem natural.

For example the titles you have, I would choose the bottom one if you were trying to rank on the tag "software tutorial". (that's probably not a doable one because I imagine it would have a lot of competition but just as an example) It would be much harder to rank on that tag with the other title. If you're trying to rank on any tag with the word "tutorial" in it, you probably want "tutorial" in the title.

Longer titles can be confusing but I think if you word them right they are very useful for getting your video ranked well.
You need to be smart with your titles SEO is a big stream for smaller YouTubers to get traction if you target particular keywords that have less competition- if you have it in your title you are more likely to rank for it in the YouTube search rankings.