Thoughts on Pinterest?

Merlina Rodas

I've Got It
Hey guys, I've noticed that a lot of popular youtubers out there promote their pinterest account. I see some that just share their interests and some that seem to use it to organize and categorize their videos.

I was never a huge fan of pinterest, to me it's just a little complicated to use and I just don't find it fun or enjoyable.. But I'm wondering if it's helpful at all to use it as a youtuber? Are people really into it and what type of things would you pin?
Pinterest is a site that has a very high percentage of female users (I think upwards of 85%), so you'd want to make sure that your content will appeal to that type of audience or you're just wasting your time. From what I've read some of the most popular niches are recipes, fashion, DIY, and gardening.
I don't use Pinterest for my YouTube channel, but I have used Pinterest for looking up makeup ideas and I also used for looking up tattoo I deas I'm not sure if I really want to get a tattoo or not so I was looking up a few designs just to see some ideas in case I ever would want to get one. I don't share my Pinterest with anyone subscribed to my channel but I use to share it on my old Facebook account with people I went to school with I was following them and they was following me. If your channel has to with fashion or diys then I think you could associate it with your channel but if you don't really make videos that have anything do with the content on Pinterest then I don't really see I reason to use Pinterest for your YouTube channel!
Pinterest only helps my recipe videos, and even then, just a very, VERY small percentage of clicks come from there. I don't find it a helpful site for clicks, but the icon to upload to it is right there under my video, so I do it every time I upload a video, because why not?
The only experience with Pintrest I have is my highschool art teacher making us make an account, and also calling it 'Pin Terest' like.. two separate words... who does that
Also when I'm googling and image and it comes up on pintrest and I click that 'view full image' or whatever and it sends me to 417 SIMILAR IMAGES ALL ON ONE PINTREST PAGE and you have to LOG IN to view more than one scroll of the page... annoying

personally I think it only rrrealllly works for a few types of YouTubers, maybe fashion ect... not sure! Not for me, though... nooooo thanks.
I was wondering this myself. I've seen people using Pinterest to promote their youtube sites. Do you already have to have followers on Pinterest to make this work or can you create a new account and see results?
I have a Pinterest account with some pics that lead to my videos but I keep forgetting to add more.