Thinking about quitting YouTube

what's easier than blocking is approval only comments but then I still have to read the comments which hurts if they are bad depends on what mood I'm in but lately they hurt then again I don't like having no comments either

Do you what you feel like doing Chloe, if you feel better with approved comments, then do that. :)
These people Chloe only want to put you in this position. They are not nice people and if they keep coming back just block them.

There's a saying, the more you feed the so-called 'trolls' the more they will come back for more.

I know you enjoy video making Chloe I can see it in your videos and there is no reason what you should quit over idiots like this. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1370940467,1370940416][/DOUBLEPOST]

They don't support you if they ask you that kind of stuff Chloe, they shouldn't be asking anything like that. They make act like they support you but they really are trying to put you in an uncomfortable position.

that means they are trying to manipulate me right?
that means they are trying to manipulate me right?

Yes it does. Chloe they really shouldn't be asking you them questions, its not nice, its rude and puts you in an uncomfortable position, you have been said yourself you don't like it. If they really supported you do you think they would ask stuff like that? Of course not.
It is obvious that if those people are asking you to upload a video of yourself talking about (or doing) sex, those people are not supporting you.

I mean, that's just not normal.

yeah they could be those human trafficking people except they are on the internet I also noticed that some try and take advantage of peoples religion that happened to me once I didn't see it until someone replied that's a troll I should have known because the person was pretending to be Michael Jacksons mum
Yes it does. Chloe they really shouldn't be asking you them questions, its not nice, its rude and puts you in an uncomfortable position, you have been said yourself you don't like it. If they really supported you do you think they would ask stuff like that? Of course not.

maybe if I took a break from youtube like disabled my account and came back later I have tried not going on but it doesn't work
maybe if I took a break from youtube like disabled my account and came back later I have tried not going on but it doesn't work

Do what you honestly feel comfortable with. In my opinion, I don't think you should quit Chloe. But if your are not happy and you are not feeling comfortable with making videos, then yes you could take a break. :) It's all down to you, we can give you the support to try and help you but in the end its your decision that you want to make, not anyone elses.
Eeven though I told youtube who I am what I have I don't think they fully understand if they did the people that said those things wouldn't have said them[DOUBLEPOST=1370941534,1370941421][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do what you honestly feel comfortable with. In my opinion, I don't think you should quit Chloe. But if your are not happy and you are not feeling comfortable with making videos, then yes you could take a break. :) It's all down to you, we can give you the support to try and help you but in the end its your decision that you want to make, not anyone elses.

sometimes I wish someone else could make this decision for me but then again that might not be a good thing this is hard to decide because once I make it I can't go back well I don't think I can unless I deactivate instead of signing out of all sessons
There's loads of weird people on YouTube who do nothing but troll, thing is you should simply ignore them as soon as you respond you're passing power to them. This is one situation where you should block and ignore. Don't let an idiot bring you down!