well the thing is - how do videos appear on your recommended feed in the first place ? If you watch a video, then watch a couple of other videos from that channel, then subscribe to that channel (atleast that is how I know I like a channel

- by watching a few videos before subscribing). Then videos from that channel are going to appear on your feed. So subscribers do matter. Not everyone is going to go to subscribe tab to watch your video. Higher chances are they will find your new video on recommend feed.
Trending tab is a whole new world now. I find 50% or more videos there are clickbait. A lot of kids videos are now tredning where the thumbail shows a clown / injection etc, or a kid who is scared. And youtube makes it trending because most people click on that video (who are not the target audience for that video), then they share it with world saying "what kind of crap is that". Then that channel disables like /dislike and commnets on that video because most comments will be like "why the F*** is this video trending" and other weired comments.
Youtube, you have changed Bro !