The Grudge Let's Play - Video Review Please?


YTtalk Mad
Just looking for what you think commentary wise, audio wise, video wise, just how the video is in general, looking for some feedback :) if you could be as kind to do so I would be greatful, and of coarse you win 1 cookie :3

Thanks again :)
- Cookie
Hi buddy I watched the video. Video quality is ok, like the audio one. Maybe I noticed some lag in your facecam so you should tweak the recording settings. Also someone could say the the shorter the better but 5 minutes of video is really short in my opinion and offers little to no hook point for viewers, but this is only my way of thinking and i can surely be wrong about that.
Maybe you should add an outro instead of interrupting the video like that, like an end card with an other video to redirect your viewers maybe.
Besides this I hope you will continue producing!
Ah yes, I can try to tweak it!

utes of video is really short in my opinion and offers little to no hook point for viewers, but this is only my way of thinking and i can surely be wrong about that.
Yes I do admit it was a VERY short episode, will work hard to improve in the future! :)

Maybe you should add an outro instead of interrupting the video like that, like an end card with an other video to redirect your viewers maybe.
Thanks :) will improve!

Thanks for the review!