I disagree with this completely. He's trying to basically tell the masses GIVE UP! -___- At the end of the day this is the situation, Before people get partnership they are HUNGRY! Coming up with creative ideas, producing numerous videos and valuable great content. Then, they become a partner, and get lazy. Go from making 1 video a day to 2 videos a month -___- and they expect the masses to LOVE it because of all of the "hard work" they put into it -___- come on now!!!
It's as simple as this. If you want to turn Youtube into a career, you need to put in career Energy, Effort, and Time!
If you're putting in part time effort, expect part time results.
Work hard, make quality content no matter what you do and stay hungry!!!
People always want to point the finger and never take responsibility for their own faults, here is the real deal...
This is REAL LIFE! In the real world, when you start slacking on a job you lose pay etc. So it makes sense that their 2 videos a month is no longer cutting it. They are losing money, subscribers, etc. and soon they will be FIRED. It's called life! Youtube isn't about being lazy, its a business! Have fun and work hard but treat it like a business, as soon as you get comfortable, you will end up right where you started!
It's not deep at all, its as simple as that