Hey, Guys! I have amazing news! I have been working with the amazing support at EternalHosting.net . These guys are amazing. We actually became great friends outside of talking about my server. If you guys don't know who they are. They basically host private servers for games like Minecraft, Conan Exiles, Ark: Survival Evolved, Etc. I told them they should host one large server for YouTubers to collaborate and record with each other on. They told me if I could get a group of quality YouTubers together no matter the size to form a series. They would be more than happy to host the server free of charge! All they want in return is a shout out at the beginning of the "episode" and we get a discount code for the series! so I need a group of YouTubers of any size as long as you guys have good videos and we need to figure out what series we are going to make. Out of all the games, they host here is the ones I need would make a great series.
7 Days to Die
Ark: Survival Evolved
Dark and Light
Conan Exiles
Citadel: Forged in fire
Grand Theft Auto FiveM
Just fill out the form below if you like to be apart of this
Games you have from list above:
YouTube Channel link: