Sketchtober is coming up and I have no ideas


Sketchtober for those of you who don't know is where some artists do a sort of challenge during the month of October where they draw something every day for that month. You don't need a theme but I would like to try it out with a theme in mind. I just have no Idea what to do.

I've thought about drawing 31 of my favorite things, including animals, video game characters, movie characters, some anime characters, mlp, pokemon. But it seems to random.

One Idea I am thinking of considering for sure is making a cat character and drawing it in little halloween/fall situations.

I'm not even sure how I'd go about putting videos together for this, but that part I think I can figure out.

Let me know what you guys think?
I think you should totally do the ideas! They seem grand!Seems daring and challenging but would be a nice accomplishment! Strive for it! :D
Inktober? There's a topic calendar provided every year.
I like the idea of having your cat character in different situations. It could become your own character you could use in the future for all sorts of things, and cats are cute so you can't go wrong with that! :)