Active Member
I'm conflicted on it. When I see a small channel do it, I can only imagine they're in it for the money. If there was a chance at making good money from it, I totally understand it, but if you're not getting like 1,000 views a video and uploading frequently, the money you make is almost negligible. You say it'd be good money because you're not working, but you will absolutely not make enough money for that. You have a cool channel premise, and I can see your channel getting relatively popular fairly fast, so why rush it? To me, it shows you don't care about interaction, and don't care about viewers. And maybe that isn't the case, but it's just how I've always seen it. It's grasping at every penny, and possible even less. I would wait until you're at the point where you're getting at least several hundred views a video before monetizing your videos.[DOUBLEPOST=1477679457,1477679434][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is a good way to do it also!
For now, I think I will just enable Overlay ads on my videos, that way people wont be chased away by skippable ads or anything.
This is a good way to do it also!