Review Screen- How Does it Look?


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At subtrendy we cover a wide variety of geek culture topics, but we're currently revamping the way that we do videogame reviews. We're hoping to start pumping out reviews much more frequently now, we've changed what playlist they're in, and (perhaps most importantly) we've changed the structure of our reviews. For instance, we now have a sort of summation screen at the end of each video.

If you want to skip straight to the summation screen, head to 3:52. Otherwise, though, I really would love any other critiques on this video. Thanks!
I actually really like it. The pros and cons thing works really well. I'd try to make just a little closer to of a summary of the actual review, though. :)

Yeah, I'll try to match it as closely as I can to the content previously provided.

I appreciate the feedback! Other than that, any thoughts on how it looked, aesthetic wise?