Request Request Requesting for a new Channel banner and Avatar.

Hello i'm here because I am looking for someone here who could make me a channel banner and Avatar for my channel. Now if you check out my channel most of my videos are based on like yugioh and some other games and I was hoping to get a banner based on what I am play unless you have a better idea i'm happy to hear. For the avatar something with also yugioh and games . So if anyone is up for the task there is no time limit and i'm happy if you would want me to pay a few dollars for them if you need any more info don't be afraid to ask thanks for reading and or making these for me or just one of them up to you. =D
- TayfurHartAmLimit
Hey there,

I think I might be able to help you with some designs.

It will cost £5 but totally worth it.

I'll create whatever you please, just message me on Skype if you want. Skype = zizorf


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Hello, if you are still looking for someone, I can do it. I have some projects that I can show you to see if you like my style or not, I will leave the link down below. If you are interested, please send me a private message on twitter ( or just aswner me here.
