Reply button not working?

People have been running into this for a few days now. Remedies run from trying to use the "display all" page (sometimes) and people have also suggested that clearing cookies might do it. I've not seen anything substantiated. I get around it by ignoring the reply for the moment and just using @handle -- I'd really like to have the reply back.
People have been running into this for a few days now. Remedies run from trying to use the "display all" page (sometimes) and people have also suggested that clearing cookies might do it. I've not seen anything substantiated. I get around it by ignoring the reply for the moment and just using @handle -- I'd really like to have the reply back.
what is the @handle?
what is the @handle?
When you reply to a person, YouTube autofills "@name" at the beginning like a Twitter conversation with the name of the recipient. I figured that YouTube may use that to determine a reply in some cases -- it's not perfect (because I don't think YT then informs the person because the Reply button didn't work) but it retains the comment flow.

Meanwhile, looks like new fixes (see earlier in the thread) have been discovered that may work.
When you reply to a person, YouTube autofills "@name" at the beginning like a Twitter conversation with the name of the recipient. I figured that YouTube may use that to determine a reply in some cases -- it's not perfect (because I don't think YT then informs the person because the Reply button didn't work) but it retains the comment flow.

Meanwhile, looks like new fixes (see earlier in the thread) have been discovered that may work.
oh ok thanks. yeah they wouldnt get notified if i did that.
Here's the problem and solution:

If you have a Google Plus account linked to your YouTube account, you will need to delete it.

1) Go to the G+ home page, click the "gear" icon in the top right corner. Click "settings". Then on the left side, click "account".
2) Scroll down to "services" and click "Delete Profile and Social Features"(not "Delete Account")
3) On the next page select “Delete Google+ Content," check the required check box, and click "Remove Selected Services".
4) Logout of YouTube and back in. Hopefully that will have worked. It has worked for me. :)
i did what you said, and the reply button is still not working. did this really work for you? what does google+ have to do with the reply button anyway? did i now just delete all my videos that i shared on google+?
I don't even know. Google Plus seems to be nothing but trouble for the youtube users. Fortunately my channel is older, so I don't have to deal with the google plus page.
I don't even know. Google Plus seems to be nothing but trouble for the youtube users. Fortunately my channel is older, so I don't have to deal with the google plus page.
i dont see what google+ would even have to do with the reply button. why would one effect the other? and i tried it and it didnt solve the problem with the reply button. all that did was delete all the videos i shared on google+ so i had to re-share them. i dont see how that could have worked for anybody.