Reply button not working?

Hey everyone. Is the reply button currently not working on youtube? Yesterday and today, when i try to click the reply button, to reply to comments left on my video, it wont let me. Just wondering if its a problem youtube is currently having. Thanks.
Here's the problem and solution:

If you have a Google Plus account linked to your YouTube account, you will need to delete it.

1) Go to the G+ home page, click the "gear" icon in the top right corner. Click "settings". Then on the left side, click "account".
2) Scroll down to "services" and click "Delete Profile and Social Features"(not "Delete Account")
3) On the next page select “Delete Google+ Content," check the required check box, and click "Remove Selected Services".
4) Logout of YouTube and back in. Hopefully that will have worked. It has worked for me. :)