Please review my Live stream Black Ops 3


I've Got It
It has been a few months since I did a live stream. I did my first one last night playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. It's one of the only multyplayer games I partake in because the community is so great on PS4.
I would like some feedback about how you guys feel about the way I engage & entertain people in my live streams. Everything is off the cuff & unfiltered. I tend not to swear in real life & I bring that over to my channel as well.
Would you guys watch more of my live streams if I did them more often?
Thank you.
Hi Gigga :)

So I watched some of your livestream and I gotta say:

I Think you are quite good at streaming. I haven't seen you stream before, and I really enjoyed it. I actually think you are more present in your "performance" in your streaming session compared to some of your videos. It just seems really natural for you (I don't know if I could ever stream lol). This video/Streaming session is, for me, the best content I have seen from you!

I also like that you have your soundboard, it's a cool addition!

I honestly do not know much about streaming, But I was thinking if there is a way for you to show what you have on the soundboard? It would be cool as a viewer to get an overview of that.

Also, I think you could experiment with some of your soundboard voices. Basically, when I started watching it, I thought it was somebody yelling in the background lol. Maybe change the sound files so that it is more obvious it comes from a soundboard?

Finally, It would be cool if you could highlight some comments on screen live, but again, I do not know the limitations of YouTube streaming.

Thank you for the watch!

/Die Man
@DieMan , I really appreciate you watching the stream. The last one I did was a few months ago, it was a bit hard to get in as I was a bit nervous but once people started coming in, I just let loose & what ever happens happens.
The soundboard was Jesse Lee Peterson (one of my favorite Youtubers, an older black gentleman) I was using my Ipad for the soundboard, since it is big enough to hold many clips.
Streaming is very fun, but it is exhausting, especially if you are a person that is naturally energetic, I don't put on an act or personality, just a bit less inhibited. Sometimes you will get people that will want to break your groove like that girl did when she asked me if women find me attractive, like that has anything to do with what I am doing. Don't feed the trolls.

Finally, It would be cool if you could highlight some comments on screen live, but again, I do not know the limitations of YouTube streaming.
/Die Man
I don't think that is something that is possible, nor have I considered it. I think on services like Twitch or Mixer your mod or what ever can do something like that dirrectly from the site or app, but I do all my stuff myself. THat is why I usually just read out loud the comments.

I am currently rendering my give-away video as we speak, hopefully it will be up in the next few hours.