Please review my first vid


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Hey guys crackers here with another single upload. Im heavily influenced by filthy frank, idubbz, and maxmoefoe, and their radical comedy videos. So i decided to make something of my own.
here's the first vid

If possible review the memes, and state what you liked and didn't. Honest feedback, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings i am a fully emotionally destroyed human being.

Thank you!!!
Since your referencing reddit id love to present you with a reddit comment I feel like youd get if you posted it there and it got upvoted enough to be seen by someone.

Lol this is s**t.

I can feel some of the youtubers you were inspired by in your video. Its goal is to cringe and meme but its cringing because its not done well.

Actually an easy fix here would be to break this film up in to pieces there's at least 4 clips here that are gold if there under a minute or some obscure time Like 4:48 - 5:58 works as a video alone.
To sit and watch this whole thing is quite a task, pace is dragged out. But if i was picking and choosing short highlights? Instantly 400 fold better.
Since your referencing reddit id love to present you with a reddit comment I feel like youd get if you posted it there and it got upvoted enough to be seen by someone.

Lol this is s**t.

I can feel some of the youtubers you were inspired by in your video. Its goal is to cringe and meme but its cringing because its not done well.

Actually an easy fix here would be to break this film up in to pieces there's at least 4 clips here that are gold if there under a minute or some obscure time Like 4:48 - 5:58 works as a video alone.
To sit and watch this whole thing is quite a task, pace is dragged out. But if i was picking and choosing short highlights? Instantly 400 fold better.
funny thing i got good feedback on reddit lol , but yeah my flaw iss i didnt script it enoguh it was kinda a shot in the dark. Gonna improve on the next one! Probably set myself on fire or something.
Ty for feed back mang
The random music spikes were kind of weird...Also a little more writing and quicker cuts to the key shots would help. cheers.