

I've Got It
I'm Just curious as to how to utilize playlists properly. I wasn't able to find a thread about it. If any of you guys have an idea. It would be so helpful for me and other you tubers to understand how to utilize that tool better.

Me personally, I have used it in the past to group a certain series and I usually link my playlist in my outro card. I'm not sure how else I could use them and if anybody has any suggestions I'd be very grateful. Thank you so much <3
Playlists can help you rank higher in a more broad category.

If you made one video and titled it - How to rank high on Youtube 2016, chances are you won't rank high unless you have a massive following. But if you make a play list called "How to rank high on Youtube 2016," and then make a handful of videos for that playlist like,
How to rank high on Youtube 2016 - Reply to all your fans
How to rank high on Youtube 2016 - Master how SEO works
How to rank high on Youtube 2016 - Create amazing Thumbnails
and put "How to rank high on Youtube 2016" in all the playlist descriptions as well as somewhere in the description's of each video,

Then your playlist will have a much higher chance to rank high when someone searches, "How to rank on Youtube 2016," much more than you probably could rank in a single video
Playlists can help you rank higher in a more broad category.

Thank you alot for that reply. That clears up alot actually and makes alot of sence. I wouldve quoted everything but I dont think thats completely nessasary. xD but this is great advice and i hope if more people have this question they can see this responce :).
Sorry if Im hijacking your thread, but it is broadly entitled "Playlists" so it seems silly to start another thread for my question...which is: Is it worth/should I make playlists which include, sometimes entirely, other peoples videos? I imagine that your first thought might be "No. Why would you help bring attention to other peoples videos?".

But this was my thinking: Say a bunch of people make a video at a certain location...lets say Turon River (I make gold prospecting vids so a river/creek name is just about as specific as you can get, location wise). So I make a Playlist entitled "Turon River Gold Prospecting". People search for Turon River, find the playlist and watch the vids. If I had one or two of my own vids in the list (of course placed in position one, two or three) then they'd get some watch time along with some other peoples vids. But lets say I don't have a video in that playlist. Would it still be beneficial to have made the playlist composed entirely of other peoples videos? I felt like it might, so did it anyways thinking that you're channel and logo gets listed on the playlist page so people might see it and get curios and then click through to your channel. Granted, it seems like it would only be a very small percentage that would find you this way at best, but I think every bit counts...all the one percenters add up, yknow. Is that sound reasoning? Or are there other things I am not aware of that make the whole endeavour a negative one?

Sometimes when i put a link, i link it to a playlist with my other videos. Sometimes i just post the video link by itself, it just depends on what your going for. :D