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Hi everybody!

I'm looking for some awesome people to possibly do a collab with and remain friends with for a long time :) I live in the UK (GMT time zone) so having a European time zone would be great but it doesn't matter too much if you don't - it just might complicate things. If anyone is interested, read the list of games below and comment your skype, and which out of the games down below you own!

Games: (not - these are all on PC only!)

I mostly play AAA games and they are usually FPS but I'm open to other genres/types
I'm not about all those top down RTS or Strategy games much though

Star Wars Battlefront
Rainbow Six Siege
Black Ops 1, 2 & 3
The Divison - Might buy it, might not
CSGO (Don't play much)
Fifa 16
Battlefield 4
The Forest
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 2
Payday 2

...and that's about it!

Thanks - DreaM_HD
Hey whats up! I have Portal 2, Gmod, Left for dead 2, minecraft! I would love to play and collab!!! I'm 13 and I live in the usa reply if you're interested
Hi everybody!

I'm looking for some awesome people to possibly do a collab with and remain friends with for a long time :) I live in the UK (GMT time zone) so having a European time zone would be great but it doesn't matter too much if you don't - it just might complicate things. If anyone is interested, read the list of games below and comment your skype, and which out of the games down below you own!
Thanks - DreaM_HD
Your channel links broken dude so is yours @RoZDragon I've a video on it if you don't know how to set it up, takes too long to explain. Here is my post/video on it if you need help
i'm interested i have a lot of games on steam and can get more if i need to , i'm 15 and in same timezone
Hey, would you be interested in joining me and few other people in doing collabs, I have majority of those games and would be awesome to collab with you. My skype is Razerrant :)
Hello, I have Minecraft, Gmod, and Portal 2, I live in the USA, I am a female (cause that matters >.>), and I am 15 years old. My skype is zombiekyttie00
I typically play cod waw, gmod, have l4d2, and hopefully soon will be getting gta5. live in the US and I just jumped back into youtube. My skype is Jordan Knopf (North Carolina)
Hey there,

18, from Ireland. Have a ton of games on steam and origin so pretty much up for playing anything.

You can add me on steam if you want - Sherlod

I don't have loads of time for gaming but if I'm ever online just feel free to give me a shout :)

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