Request [Paid] Avatar/Banner needed


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Hi all my names Divergence. Now I got a banner and avatar of my own deigned by myself, as I dabble with Photoshop now and again. But I'm no graphic designer, so I feel my logo is a bit simple at the moment. I want a similar design but something that screams diverse a little more as that's what my channel is about. If a designer could design me a logo and banner art that can be modular that would also be cool. As I might want to diverse between blue and other colours, depending on the game I'm playing.

I've attached the two current designs I got at the moment to give you an example of what I mean.

Please do get in touch! Drop me a message on here then I'll forward you my email. Send me some of your work before hand though. :)


  • Divergence avatar 2.jpg
    Divergence avatar 2.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 9
  • New Youtube Banner.jpg
    New Youtube Banner.jpg
    415.9 KB · Views: 14
hey, you never got back to me? I cant PM due to me needing at least 50 messages (part of YTTalk rules)