
  1. Frost Titan Gaming

    Request NEED A NEW BANNER ART!!!

    I am looking for someone who is good at making banner arts for youtube channels. I am willing to pay whatever it takes. please let me know at: Frost Titan#9778
  2. Livid

    Short Film Male Actors/Female Actress NEEDED (Paid)

    I am a director working on a short film in the Long Island New York Area currently the date for when the short film will take place is in April. The lead actors/actresses will be paid 150-300 Dollars for their work since they will be working less then 8 hour days. The short film will take about...
  3. Grizzly Guernsey Gamer

    Request I need a Cartoonist for some asset work [PAID, Recurring]

    Hey guys, I'm starting a slight change to my Grizzly Gem/Gauntlet series and am thinking of adding a contextual intro slate to each video from now on. A good example would be the work by That One Video Gamers series 'The Completionist' (link below for reference). Reference (see thumbnail art)...
  4. Divergence

    Request [Paid] Avatar/Banner needed

    Hi all my names Divergence. Now I got a banner and avatar of my own deigned by myself, as I dabble with Photoshop now and again. But I'm no graphic designer, so I feel my logo is a bit simple at the moment. I want a similar design but something that screams diverse a little more as that's what...