Offering my most unbiased, constructive feedback for YOUR channel


Well-Known Member
Hey Yttalk fam.

I know how valuable feedback can be for a channel, therefore, I am more than happy to offer some unbiased, straight to the point, constructive criticism in the hopes that I can assist you on your journey. I may also sub as well.

Let the reviews begin!
Thank you so much for doing this! I would love to know what you think about my channel! Thank you so much in advance!
Hi chris. I love when someone takes a part of his time to help other people in difficulty. If you have time you can check up my channel? That would be amazing!
Thanks for providing this service. A fresh pair of eyes is always beneficial. Please tell me what you find.

@Idec Sdawkminn

Right off the bat, love LOVE the organization on your main page. Considering you are doing a completely original, dare I say it unconventional (in a good way of course), channel style, the playlists definitely helped me understand what your channel was about within 10 seconds.

Between the matching horror-themed avatar & banners, inverted colour visuals, and creepy a** versions of our fav childhood shows (that Spongebob intro gave me the heebie jeebies as did Bonnie Tyler's music video yikes!) I'd say you are onto something incredible. Your following reinforces my sentiment.

As for improvements, since your content has a fresh take, all I can really see you improving is production quality. For instance, making your banner higher quality to pop out even more would help. Moreover, improving sound quality to be even clearer (your audio production is great, just at times I do hear a drop in quality sometimes, which can definitely be attributed to the source material itself, but tweaking the eq some more or even adding reverb and lower pitches at times will sound even creepier). Also, I think you would be able to gain even more of a following starting your own horror series, ie. voice dubbing popular cartoons/shows with original dialogue while keeping the same video style. I really hope this makes sense and helps you out.

Other than that, your channel engagement speaks volumes about how well you're doing already. You can only get better from here, and I see this channel taking off with more exposure. All the best to you!