No Loger eligible for monetization due to duplication. What doe it mean?

HI, I woke up to a mail from youtube titled "No longer eligible for monetization". Anyway, further checks I made revealed that the reason given by youtube is DUPLICATION.Please Read the statement below.

  • Duplication
    In most cases, you can’t reupload someone else's content unless you get permission first. Remember: It's not enough to credit the content owner or state that "no copyright infringement is intended." Learn more about copyright and fair use

    Here are some types of content that are subject to copyright:
    • Audiovisual works like TV shows and movies
    • Sound recordings and musical compositions
    • Visual and written works, including paintings, posters, articles and books
    • Dramatic works such as plays and musicals
    • Video games and computer software

I am however surprised because I create my contents myself. What is the way forward for me?. How do I detect the actual video(s) causing this because I have a month to reapply for monetization and I want to set things right before I do. THANK YOU.
What was the type of content you made? Could you give an example? Because to me, this sounds very alarming. Would YouTube consider a commentary video or a gameplay video a duplication? They aren't very clear with their policy on Fair Use. And they even list 'video games and computer software' as something subject to copyright.
What was the type of content you made? Could you give an example? Because to me, this sounds very alarming. Would YouTube consider a commentary video or a gameplay video a duplication? They aren't very clear with their policy on Fair Use. And they even list 'video games and computer software' as something subject to copyright.

my content is Italian channel
Like, you teach the Italian language? Or vlog at places in Italty? I'm not sure what you mean...

i make video about health en general all my content is 100/100 mine serach this keyword in youtube and you will found my channel
Se Soffri di Diabete,Perdita di Capelli,Cuore e Infiammazione Articolare,Prova Questo Frutto Potente
It would be much better if you simply link your channel to your profile. Searching a string of keywords like you've given will give thousands of results; many of which won't even be channels.

Or give us your channel name?