Beauty/Makeup No brush makeup challenge collab!


Active Member
What's up everyone!
I'm looking for an awesome person that enjoys everything makeup and also challenges! If you already haven't seen the no makeup brush challenge going around on the good ol tube, It looks like it would be FUN to film, you basically create a makeup look without using any kind of makeup brush!
Anywhoo given the results and process of my previous collab I would like to take some time and getting to know you, become friends, and so forth. Given my upload schedule videos like this will be going up on tuesdays and as of right now looks like my next available slot would be December 20th. So if you're interested in this collab please email me at :

OR if you're interested in just being friends and support each other find me on social media at:
Twitter: Millie_Heyer
Instagram: Millie_Heyer
Facebook: MillieHeyerYTC

Much love,
Millie <3
I do long distance collabs
But if you don't do those that's fine! And feel free to follow on social media :)
Basically youfeature the other persons video. And I like having the other person create a small video like "hi I'm_____ be sure to check out my video after you done watching Millies" something along those lines!
Oo it would have been cooler in person if you did a make-up challenge on me or something since I'm a dude. BTW your channel link isn't linked because you put the wrong channel URL in your signature, just sayin.
Oh no!Try it now .Lol
Ha you still did it wrong >.< you got check the channel box and put the end of your channel link in the box under profile settings...people would have to copy and paste it into the URL to see it lol. if you cant figure it out ill post a screenshot.
Lol oops. I'm still new to this thing -_- and the instructions weren't clear
Ok here


Go to the top right of this page and click your name and go to Personal details then scroll down until you see this, put the end of your channel link which is this (UCzFvj0hqBG4xpATwqB6aSIQ) in the area I circled red. then check the other box I circled in red :D