Gaming New Channel | I'm looking for people to Collab Video Games Together | 100 Subs or More Please


Paranoia Origins
Hey Everyone of YTtalk!

I am a 27 y/o digital graphic artist and youtuber and I and i want to start gaming collaboration project on YouTube.
I've look over, researched and have seen a increase of YouTube channels that make top 10, .. video's and get a rather insane amounts of views. I still think there is a gap between all those channels, so what I am going to try is fit right in that gap with this gaming collaboration project.

For this project I am looking for someone who isn't under the age of 18 with a clean voice and is willing to spend time recording his/her own voice. My voice alone is simply not good enough because i believe only with others i will grow into something amazing with my friends and subscribers.

I'll be looking for someone who can help or write the scripts, edit or help edit the video's and do the marketing of on our Youtube channel(s), would be nice if not just me but all of us working together recording your voices and putting together a video that we can all upload with our own different spin on them.

You'll basically become part of my wolf pack which is my thing i got going on my channel and get your own cut in this project.

Type of channel: Paranoia Origins (says my name on the banner if you get confused)

Please send me a sample of your voice if you're interested.

Thank you for your time!
Paranoia Origins

EDIT: I forgot to add an email: Please send your samples to
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not atm but i will get one[DOUBLEPOST=1462234412,1462234162][/DOUBLEPOST]bacisly i want to do gaming collabs, for example a group of 4 for gta doing heist so part by part and we explain how each one is done etc