If you search for the exact paragraph he's sending out - there's 10s of accounts sending about 3-4 tweets every single minute with the exact same text and they've been doing it at that rate for at least 2 weeks at this point.Ok, these guys are quickly becoming the biggest spamming network out there. Check out this guy ->
This is what is confusing me though, from the few offers I've seen, they've been offering amounts that would only get them a profit in the long-term if even..In my opinion, it's a terrible decision for creators to give up their monetization rights for only a few months pay.
of cases but of the 4 offers I've seen networkofone offer so far, they've been offering around 12-24 months (based on the video staying at the same rate of views, which is unlikely, the rate will usually decrease over time) upfront and not for videos which have a chance of going viral either, just normal content (entertainment & family from what I've seen).